Monday, July 5, 2010

Our family's 4th of July Celebration!

So we started our Celebration of Liberty and Freedom on Saturday Morning with our ward pancake breakfast!

Then in the evening we packed up a fun little BBQ picnic and went to a park in down town Denver were we thought we would be able to see some fireworks... Come to find out there was a sky scraper in just the perfect spot between us and were the fireworks were going off and we could see only flashes of light in the sky... Oh well... at least this year there is always tomorrow!
Then Sunday morning we woke up early and drove back down town to the State Capital Building and had the most lovely Sunday morning walk! The weather was perfect (66 degrees) and the location of our walk was inspired! Here are the pictures we took:

North side of the State of Colorado Capital Building

Emma being photogenic by, what she called, "a beautiful light"

Emma and Daddy

Emma thought this was cool that she could stand in the window!

When Emmie saw this little nook she said
"look a perfect place for a cute picture of me!" and posed!

I just cant believe how grown up our little Emmie is! And so smart too!

And yet she can be sooo silly sometimes!

Daddy's girl... always doing whatever Daddy does!

Counting the stairs on the front steps of the Capital Building!

Emma called these "baby tree trunks"

"Look Mommy... I can see you through the tree!"

Civil War Monument

Dancing down the stairs like Annie!

Emmie telling Daddy that "this tall thing is for my baby's..." not really sure what she was talking about.

This is an exact replica of the Liberty Bell that one of the men who settled Denver made for his father. It was a cool story!

Emma loves stories right now!

Pass and Stow

Peek a Boo!

Taking a break!

Too cute!

Practicing our colors!

Being silly to make Baby Aspen laugh!

Pretty Purple Flowers

Flower court yard

(thats the Capital Building behind her)

I cant believe how big Aspen is getting! And how beautiful she is becoming!

She is such a Happy Baby! Always smiling and laughing and being silly herself!

Big Cheese

Indian Statue

"I like Indians Mommy... Take my picture with him"

And on the other side a Cowboy Statue

Denver's Civic Building

Aspen LOVES her stroller!

Our happy trooping girls!

Water fountain built into the flag pole... Cool!

She figured out how to get up there on her own!

Look whats in the Tree!

Cool face statue

Good Independence Day thought..."What is the City... but the people?"

It was a large Statue

Main Public Library

Cool plants around the top of the Library pillars!

Oh how cute!

I thought this picture turned out awesome! this is a fountain pond with beautiful statues of a little boy and a little girl on the backs of seals.

More history...

Big Pillars

Knock knock... is any one home???

Pioneer Monument



And a pioneer women holding a gun and a baby... she is beautiful! This picture just does not do it justice. Dedicated to the city by the Daughters of Colorado! Totally cool!

Taking another break!

What a beautiful girl with a yellow flower...

I love "walking down the journey of life with you" pictures!

Back to the capital building... "Wow" Emma says "I didn't ever see that yellow tree before!"

ok we have to be done for today! Emma trying to block the path back to the car... Hahaha! It makes me so happy that she enjoyed this so much!
After our wonderful two hour walk we rushed home to get ready for church! We made it just on time and enjoyed our Sabbath meetings.
(Emmie coloring during sacrament meeting)

Then we came home and had a nice nap time for a couple of hours, then play time!

Followed by Dinner prep and then we had two of Paul's friends from work over for hamburgers, tatter tots and ice cold strawberry ambrosia! It was great!

We finished our Independence day off by watching an awesome fireworks show from the car... due to the pouring rain! The finale was really cool because of all of the humidity from the rain the steam and smoke of all the fireworks made a huge red cloud. It looked like the Fireworks were coming from this huge cloud... I wish I would have had a camera... it was very cool!

Well that about sums up our Holiday weekend! Hope you all had fun with your own celebrations, and took time to make memories! I know I am so grateful for our country and what freedoms we still do enjoy! May we fight to keep it free and may God bless his people upon this land for a little longer! Long live America!!!

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