Thursday, February 18, 2010

One Month Old... Already!!!

I can't believe it, but Aspen is already one month old! Wow how time has sped though these first few weeks with this baby.
So to briefly update everyone on how our little Aspen is doing... in a word she is WONDERFUL! She had a rough second week but we made up for it with an awesome third and forth week and we are looking forward to more good weeks to come.
So to recap, Week one was... well... it was week one. I was sleepy, Aspen was hungry, Emma was jelious, Paul was wonderful and the days went by very fast.
Then came week two. Nursing was going well but Aspen weight was down to 7 pounds 3oz. She was always ether nursing or sleeping, not too abnormal for week two so we just did what we were doing and hoped for the best.
On Monday of week three Paul and I took Aspen to see the midwives at our local birth center. It was then that we received the unfortunate news that Aspen's weight was still lower then we had hoped(she weighted in at 7 pounds 20z.). So... with this news it was recommended that we begin supplementing Aspen with formula, and that I consult with a lactation professional. We did both and have been continuing to nurse as much as Aspen wants (which is a lot!) and are still supplementing her as well.
By week four Aspen weighed in at 8 pounds 2oz! We were starting to feel a bit more back to normal and the stress seemed to take a nose dive since Aspen was thriving and life seemed to be getting back to normal.
This last week we took Aspen to be weighed again and it was just more good news! She had put on over another pound (she was 9 pounds 3oz.) and not a moment too soon... she was past birth weight before her one month birthday! And to make life even better she is sleeping for 4-5 hours at a time at night!
Emma seems to be doing better with Aspen with each passing week. Paul is still working 4 days a week in West Yellowstone while me-n-my girls are still hanging with Fitzgerald. We are hoping to be joining our Daddy within the month!!!
Here are some pictures from this fun first month! Enjoy!

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